Step 4 : Hand Shape, Fingers & Mount of Venus

Additional features of the palm are the shape, the fingers, and the Mount of Venus (the raised or fleshy areas at the base of the thumb).


A few other characteristics of the palm and hand need to be considered in your reading. The Mount of Venus is a fleshy area at the base of the thumb, often with a rounded appearance. It is used to indicate the level at which a person enjoys physical pleasures in life. Other areas to be examined are the length and shape of the fingers and palm.

If you are right-handed, you should look at your right palm. If you are left-handed, you should look at your left palm.

When you have finished choosing the items that describe your hand, click the NEXT button

Other Characteristics

Hand Shape

  • Check one, if applicable:
  • Square palm, short fingers
  • Extremely long fingers


  • Check one, if applicable:
  • Middle finger is longest
  • Forefinger is longest

Check all that apply

  • Very long thumb
  • Fingers bend back easily
  • Pinky bends inwards
  • Nails bright pink or red

Mount of Venus

  • Check all that apply:
  • Flat
  • Wide and rounded
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